
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
0014 - How to Love Your Enemies - Matthew 5:43-48
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
God is love and invites us into a life of love ... a lif of love that's so rich, we are able to love anybody and everybody - including those who are against us.
This kind of love is the epitome of surpassing righteousness, so it's the culmination of Jesus' examples. In loving this way, we become like God who loves all people and does good to all people.
As always, if you appreciate this teaching share freely - on facebook, instragram, twitter, via email.
Website: If you're not yet subscribed to receive updates from John, swing over to johnwhittaker.net and subscribe.
Patreon: Become a patron and support the show by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.
And if you're not already, follow John on facebook and instagram

Friday Aug 31, 2018
0013 - When People Treat Us Badly, pt. 2
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
In this special bonus episode, John explores how to become the kind of person who is actively kind to people who aren't kind to you. This follows up episode 12 which looked at the meaning of Jesus' teaching in Matthew 5:38-42. Jesus' teaching is so contrary to the usual human way of living and we can feel like no matter how hard we try we just can't do it.
Well that's because trying - even trying hard - won't cut it.
We need a wiser, more intentional approach than just trying to to be kind when someone treats us badly. We need to train and be prepared so that it's second nature to live this way. And in this bonus episode John reflects on some ways we can do just that.
If you're not yet subscribed to receive updates from John, swing over to johnwhittaker.net and subscribe.
As always, if you appreciate this teaching share freely - on facebook, instragram, twitter, via email.
And if you're not already, follow John on facebook and instagram

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
0012 - What to do When People Treat You Badly - Matthew 5:38-42
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
It doesn't take long to learn that some people aren't very nice, that some people are gonna treat us poorly. Conventional wisdom has one way to deal with it; Jesus has another.
In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus passes on to us one the most important and most distinctive traits about us who follow Him. This trait set Him and sets us a part from so much that goes on in this world.
We need to hear what He says here and take it to heart.
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To support the podcast financially on Patreon, click here. You'll get access to bonus material, help fund the creation of an audio commentary on the New Testament, and support John's Bible teaching ministry.
P.S. And if you haven't done so yet, why don't you swing over to my website (www.johnwhittaker.net) and subscribe for updates and more teachings from John.

Monday Aug 20, 2018
0011 - Can I Trust Your Word? - Matthew 5:33-37
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Jesus envisions a world where your word is your bond ... where you don't have to promise or swear or convince people that what you say is true. A world where a handshake is all that's necesary. A world where you can trust each other and count on each other because each and every one of us has complete integrity.
And that world begins right here, with me and you.
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To support the podcast financially on Patreon, click here. You'll get access to bonus material and help fund the creation of an audio commentary on the New Testament.
P.S. And if you haven't done so yet, why don't you swing over to my website (www.johnwhittaker.net) and subscribe for updates and more teachings from John.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
0010 - Divorce, and Being Faithful to Your Spouse - Matthew 5:31-32
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Divorce hurts. It hurt people in Jesus' day. It hurts people today. It's not the way it's supposed to be. No one dreams of meeting the love of their life, getting married, and 4 years later having it all end in divorce.
In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks to the betrayal that divorce is ... that it's another way of being unfaithful to your spouse.
There's great wisdom here, should we choose to receive it.
And solution isn't to issue an edict that heaps guilt and shame on people who get divorced. The solution is to help people become the kind of person who can live with another person for a lifetime.
So listen to grasp what Jesus teaches about divorce.
If you find these teachings helpful, spread the word and share them with your friends via facebook, twitter, word of mouth etc.
If you want to become a patron and support the show, you can do that by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help fund the creation of an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
0009 - Adultery, Lust, and Faithfulness - Matthew 5:27-30
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
We live in a sex-driven society. Sex is used to sell everything from cars to toothpaste! Porn has taken over the internet. But misuse of sex is nothing new. And Jesus has some important wisdom concerning sexual faithfulness and purity.
In this episode of Bible in Life, John guides us through Jesus' words about adultery, lust, faithfulness and sexual purity.
If you're finding these podcasts helpful, click subscribe or follow above.
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And if you want to support the show, you can become a patron by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help fund the creation of an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
0008 - What about that temper? Matthew 5.21-26
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Just because you've never killed anyone doesn't mean your living the way God designed you to live. And murder isn't the only form of violence towards each other. In this section of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus begins to illustrate what surpassing righteousness looks like ... surpassing righteousness goes to the heart of the matter. And that means it deals with your anger, and mine.
Jesus intends to make us people who are full of peace and free from anger and contempt!
Wouldn't it be a great world to live in if peace and patience replaced anger and contempt?! That's the vision Jesus has for His followers ... and he has the resources to make it possible.
Remember to share this podcast with you friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, good ol' word of mouth or however you like to share these sorts of things!
If you want to become a patron and support the show, you can do that by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help fund the creation of an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
0007 - How Righteous Do I Have to Be? Matthew 5.17-20
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Is the OT Law bad? Did Jesus come to nullify the Law? With all of the wrong people flocking to Jesus, does that suggest that Jesus has no standards? Just how righteous does Jesus expect you to be?
In this podcast, John tackles the thesis paragraph for the Sermon on the Mount - the paragraph that sets up everythng else in the sermon. In this paragraph, Jesus answers the question, How righteous do I have to be?
Remember to share with you friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, good ol' word of mouth or however you like to share these sorts of things!
In this podcast, John mentions some bonus content on his patreon page that he's just putting together. In a special podcast on that site, John wrestles with how what Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-20 fits with some of the things the apostle Paul says about the law. If you want that bonus material and would like to become a patron and support the show, you can do that by clicking here.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
0006 - What's Your Vocation? Matthew 5.13-16
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Jesus has an open door policy to His kingdom. And once He's welcomed you in - regardless of where you've come from - he bestow on you a high and holy calling ... and He intends to make you the kind of person that's fit to carry out that vocation. In this episode, John explores Jesus' words describing that vocation and how we can live that out in and through all the parts of our life.
Remember to share with you friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, good ol' word of mouth or however you like to share these sorts of things!
If you want to become a patron and support the show, you can do that by clicking here.

Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
0005 - Jesus' Open Door Policy - Matthew 5:1-12
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Who is welcome in Jesus' kingdom? Who can experience the blessing of His kingdom? In this episode, John explores the opening words of the Sermon on the Mount, traditionally called the Beattitudes. He questions a common understanding that the beattitudes are virtues for us to pursue and offers an alternative approach.
If you find John's teaching helping spread the word by sharing on facebook, instagram, twitter, and good ol' word of mouth.
And if you want to become a patron and support the show, you can do that by clicking here.